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Essential Oil Education

Check out the FAQs blog post to cover the big topics!

When I first got into EOs, step one was of course figure out what the heck I was doing.  There is a plethora of information available online, and unfortunately a lot of it is absolute junk.  There's no shortage of passion, creativity, and good intentions out there in the interwebs, but I wanted all of that AND safe, scientifically accurate, research based info.  

Unfortunately it seemed difficult to find that middle ground.  There were groups full of casual users and other reps who seemed to source their information entirely from Pinterest or questionable reference books, and then there were groups full of professionals who although armed with accurate information, took very hard lines on EO usage to the point where the tone was so negative it didn't really foster learning.  Since I couldn't find what felt like a healthy middle ground of science, no hype, but still tolerance towards the personal choices of others, I decided to make it myself!

Although initially born out of frustration, my Not Your Average Oiler Facebook Group has been such a blessing for me, introduced me to like-minded critical thinkers, and provided a safe space to have candid discussions about EO usage and research.  It is a brand neutral group and all oil users are welcome.  Please feel free to join and utilize the resources, ask questions, and feel empowered to use these incredible products effectively and safely.

One of my biggest hopes is someday MLM oil reps (like Young Living, the MLM I am a distributor for) will be synonymous with thoughtful and educated oil usage.  I'm only one person, but together perhaps we can turn the tide.